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Frost & Sullivan公司(弗若斯特沙利文公司)

  弗若斯特沙利文是Frost & Sullivan公司(弗若斯特沙利文公司)的品牌。
  全球增长咨询公司Frost & Sullivan公司是一家国际著名的市场研究、出版和培训公司,1961年成立于纽约,总部位于美国加州硅谷的心脏圣何塞市,以自己独创的“市场工程体系”服务于大量世界顶尖的高科技公司。Frost & Sullivan每年完成大量单客户市场及策略咨询项目并出版50多个行业领域的上千份报告。40多年来,Frost & Sullivan已经为世界50多个国家和地区的公司提供了可靠的市场及战略咨询讯服务。其高质量的服务已为自己在300多个关键工业领域内赢得了世界性的声誉。

  Frost & Sullivan现有员工1000余人,已在全球40多个国家和地区设立了分公司或办公室,亚太办公室包括:北京、上海、东京、孟买、新德里、新加坡、吉隆坡、悉尼、马尼拉、汉城。全球研究机构依然在不断扩展之中。

  Frost & Sullivan公司对 300多个细分行业领域进行追踪、分析和预测,每年出版多达 500 份市场研究报告。这些报告对激发业者新思想、协助企业规划、支持投资分析,及为企业的战略决策提供了必不可少的数据和资料。

  Frost & Sullivan拥有遍布六大洲的30多个办事处,在与全球1000强企业、新兴企业和投资界合作方面,拥有超过48年的经验。

  Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting company, has been partnering with clients to support the development of innovative strategies for more than 40 years. the company's industry expertise integrates growth consulting, growth partnership services and corporate management training to identify and develop opportunities. Frost & Sullivan serves an extensive clientele that includes Global 1000 companies, emerging companies, and the investment community, by providing comprehensive industry coverage that reflects a unique global perspective and combines ongoing analysis of markets, technologies, economoetrics, and demographics.

  Frost & Sullivan works interactively with clients to develop innovative growth strategies.

  Frost & Sullivan was founded in 1961 in New York City with a specific mission: To publish world-class market consulting information and intelligence on emerging high-technology and industrial markets. The company soon developed a reputation as one of the world's leading companies in growth consulting and corporate training. Now well into its fourth decade, Frost & Sullivan has won a worldwide reputation for publishing high-quality growth consulting and training reports in more than 20 major industries.


